College Comp Memoir

College Comp Memoir

Tyler Reynolds
Professor Carol Parsil
College Composition I
August 28, 2013
“Love Conquers All”
Three years ago my crazy adventure began with a girl named Ashley. We met freshman year of high school. Two people invisible to each other, but who would’ve guessed that a love so strong could arise from nothing and help both of us overcome the emotional obstacles that faced us in the future.
We were in gym class and we didn’t know each other, in fact I hardly noticed her at all. The first game we played in gym was dodgeball. We picked teams and I planned on winning, because I’m very competitive in every sport I play. Ashley quickly learned how competitive I am when one of the dodgeballs I threw hit her in the face. She was wearing glasses at the time and my ball knocked them off of her face. I immediately ran over to her apologizing and making sure she was ok. I couldn’t help but notice her light brown hair flowing over her shoulder and her bright steel-gray eyes sparkling when she looked at me. I spent the rest of the class feeling sorry that I hit that cute, previously unknown, girl in the face. It wouldn’t be the last time I felt bad about hitting her in the face with a ball, because I did it two more times while playing soccer and volleyball. Even though the incidents were accidental, I still felt terrible for doing it. Strangely, every time I hit her with a ball and got to talk to her, she got even cuter.
The next time I talked to her was near the end of the school year at a festival in my hometown of Grafton, Ohio called, “The Firemen’s Festival.” She was with her friend Alexis “Lexi” Roach, who, coincidentally, was also my friend. I said “Hi” to both of them then walked away because I was too nervous to talk to Ashley. After Ashley had left I met up with Lexi again and asked what her cute friend’s name was and if I could have her number. Lexi gave me Ashley’s number and I texted her the next day and for several days after. Eventually I asked her...

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