

I feel it is very sufficient to use vocabulary to communicate. Some people come across as illiterate to others while communicating. People have their own vocabulary though. Whether it is illiterate or not. Some people use slang to communicate. This is why people with a greater vocabulary think people who use slang to communicate are illiterate. I do think people need to adapt to the way the person they’re communicating with. People do need to expand their vocabulary as they go on with life. I do not think talking in slang is bad but it makes you come across as smarter when you have an elaborate vocabulary though.
I am one of those people who communicate with slang. I do have an elaborate vocabulary though. The way I use my vocabulary depends on who I am talking with though. If I know the person doesn’t usually use slang, like if I am talking to an adult, I will not use slang. If I am talking to my friends though, slang is how we communicate. Slang vocabulary is like a code to communicate. If you do not want a person or people to know something, I use slang so that only certain people get what I am trying to communicate.
As I get older and transfer to the adult stage of life, it is important to not use slang as much. Gaining a better understanding of vocabulary happens as you get older. The more you mature and communicate with the adult world you live in, an elaborate vocabulary is important.

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