

Michael Argyle and the Communication cycle
Michael Argyle was known as a social psychologist who researched and developed theories about human communication and interpersonal interaction. He believed that interpersonal communication was like learning how to drive a car.
In 1967, Argyle claimed that human communication is essentially a two way process that involves sending and responding to each others verbal and non verbal messages. In 1972, Argyle came with the 'communication cycle' theory which sets out to understand, explain and predict how communication occurs between people in one to one situations.
The communication cycle is a theory proposed by Argyle which brings the communication effective in people getting their message across in a two way process. The communication cycle is when we understand what is being said, reflect and check out what the person you are communicating with is saying. When communicating to people we have to make sure they understand what we are saying and respond to it accordingly.
Idea occurs
You think of something you want to communicate about, for exampleyou might want to pass on an idea or persuade someone to do something. In a doctors surgery, an idea will occur as the GP thinks how he will communicate with his patients. This enables him to communicate more efficiently.
Message coded
This is when you consider what you're going to say and how your going to say it and decide what form of communication it should be in. For example, sign languages, gestures, spoken words. You put this form inside your head. An example of this is, when a carer is thinking how to communicate back to the other person by choosing words or other non verbal communication.
Message sent
You send the message in a way that you might find more comfortable via speech, writing, signing. For example, in a care home the care worker will use sign language or sumbols to send the message across to the recipient.
Message received
The other person...

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