That universal question, that one question that tears out my stomach and slams a dark glass rock in its place.
That one question that was conceived at the very moment you began.
That one question that every mother asks.
Who is he gonna be like?
The question that every father tries to answer.
And the answer that lingers over your life, clawing at the throat of your personality.
Most kids have it, grab it, and let waterfalls fly from their eyes when someone lies and says, "you'll never amount to anything".
And some adults lack to see that their personality has been sucked out by the leech called society.
And even if they do they ignore the knife in their back that has been there ever since they could walk, talk and mock the parents that took their life away. We're the lucky ones. We're not afraid to be different. We're the ones people look at and instantly damn to society's hell that labels us uncool, stupid, and pathetic. They think what makes you cool is cosmetic. But we know that's a lie because that's what we used to buy. Jesus is the one who broke our chains and let us fly. We lucky ones may call them white-washed tombs. White bright shining surface with worm infested back-rooms. But you see, we can't blame them because all they do is conform. Conform to the the way society has told them, "that's cool, that's normal, and that my man, is what gives you swag."Because the boss of swag can't handle individuality, originality, personality. What's cool is to throw away you and act like Dr. Dre. And the sad thing is, most people think that's OK.

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