

-where do Congress’ powers come from?
Economic matters- impose taxes, coin and borrow money, regulate interstate and foreign commerce, spend money for the “Common Defence” and “General Welfare”.
Necessary and proper clause- to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the US, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Foreign affairs- declare war, raise and finance an army and a navy, and call out the state militias to execute the laws of union, suppress insurrections and repel invasion. Senate- advice and consent.
Executive- senate approves presidentially appointed Supreme Court justices and top executive branch officials
Distributing power between the House and Senate. (both can raise and spend money)
No exclusive authority over legislation- congress.

-we have a system in which members of Congress are elected by a plurality of votes. How is our system different than a proportional representation system?
Plurality- whoever gets the most votes wins
Proportional representation- gives a party share of seats in the legislature matching the share of th voters it wins on election day. (voter choose among parties, not individual candidates and candidates need not have local connections, powerful party leader- decide who goes in parliament and in what order)
Territorial units vs party list

-how do redistricting and gerrymandering affect representation in Congress?
Each state was allotted one house seat for every XX inhabitants.
Gerrymandering- party wins by large margins, carve out, creating as many districts as possible where a party can have a secure majority

-what is the incumbency advantage? Why are incumbents re-elected at such high rates?

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