

The difference between conservation and preservation is that conservationist wants to protect the environment but still be able to utilize for themselves just as the same. They manage the resources so that it will develop but they will still be able to use the plentiful product that comes along with flourishing. Preservationists want to protect the environment from everyone else and want it to be left in untouched condition. They save areas just because they are supposed to be. It is a good idea but maybe impossible in today’s society, however certain locations should be preserved from the ability of the human’s feel. They could be planted in an environmentally friendly way. When you cut down one tree you plant another or cut down a few and replant a few more to it equal. Human beings usually harvest forest for land and crop for harvesting, so they never realize they need to grow a tree back. Humans feel they have to have more land for their selves and offspring’s. I am more on the side of being a conservationist because I want to protect the environment but still be able to use for ourselves such as mining and oil for our country so will not have to buy oil from foreign countries and lower our oil prices and take away taxes for oil exchange. We are going to face a major energy crisis over the next two years and if we have the land then we will be able to use the land as our oil resources and not foreign land. Would we rather be able to grace a land that is wild or foreign oil?