Consulting card

Consulting card

Im wondering that why do we need to do something like this to be able to read others's post??.
That's inconvenient, i think :)).
Just joke.

I don't know what im writing cuz i am not a native person :). I'm just writing what i am thinking. So what?.
Im conducting a project for my company and its content is analysing the adaptation strategies of KFC in different countries of course,different culture .

McDonald's and KFC are two international fast food restaurants. They both expended their
businesses in global scale. It is obvious that McDonald surpassed KFC in terms of sales and fame
in international level. However, in China, KFC performs better than McDonald's.
The aim of this study is to find out how these two companies developed differently in Chinese
market. By making a comparative study of McDonald's and KFC, different operation and
competitive strategy theory will be integrated with their development situation. Research is made
based on strategy theory, Internet sources and interviews.
The thesis is started with general information, Chinese fast food industrial situation introduction
and thesis structure. After having introduced the two companies background, we illustrated
strategy theory as thesis theoretical basis. Next, by comparing McDonald’s and KFC’s core
competitive power, we analyzed the main difference and some similarities comprehensively of
McDonald’s and KFC’s business and competition strategy.
In research finding chapter, we introduced qualitative finding, it is the main research method we
have used. The thesis is ended in conclusion, after main finding, recommendation will be given to
other international fast food restaurants and suggestions will be given for further research.

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