crisis centers

crisis centers

Correlation between Addictive
Behaviors and Mental Health in
University Students
Kaplan University
Carmen Melendez

PS124 – Unit 8

About the Article
As a Addiction specialist I
chose an article that would
certainly play a role in my
career, There are many facets
to addiction today, and it
comes in many forms, such as
food addiction, alcohol, and
substance abuse .Which also
affects our mental health.
The present study aims to
clarify the relationships of
addictive behaviors and
addiction overlap to stress,
acceptance from others and
purpose in life. A survey was
conducted on 691 students at
eight universities.

Addictive behaviors, referred to as impulse control disorders,
is progressively known as remediable forms of addictions. It
is also sometimes used for not substance-related addiction,
soft or process addiction such as overeating, technology such
as (face book or any social media) addiction, exercise,
spiritual obsession, sexual addiction, compulsive shopping,
and problem gambling, is completely different from chemical
addiction (Albrecht, Kirschner, & Grüsser, 2007; Potenza,
2006; Shaffer & Hall, 1996)

The Article States Results

1. The Eating Attitude Test-20
was used to identify students
with food addiction or food
addictive tendencies.
2. The Kurihama Alcoholism
Screening Test was used to
identify students with alcohol
addiction or alcohol addictive
3. The Fagerström Test for
Nicotine Dependence was
used to identify students with
nicotine addictive tendencies
or nicotine addiction

Alcohol Nicotine Food Alcohol and nicotine
addiction 0.9% of students
Alcohol, nicotine and food addiction 0.1% 1
student (1 man) 6 students (4 men, 2 women)
Only nicotine addiction 0.7% 5 students (5 men)
No addiction 76.7% 530 students (229 men, 301
Nicotine and food addiction 0 students
Only food addiction 4.3% 30 students (3 men, 27

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