Critical Thinking Reflection

Critical Thinking Reflection

Critical Thinking Reflection
June 8, 2015

Critical Thinking Reflection
Even though there are eight barriers discussed, stubbornness and emotional barriers are more difficult for me to deal with but identifying the triggers will help me identify and overcome them. Understanding all eight of them will help my continued learning of becoming a master critical thinker because they are all equally important.
Stubborn Character
I have easily fall victim to my stubborn character on many occasions without knowing that I was falling prey to it. ‘A “know-it-all mentality and misplaced arrogance makes the development of critical thinking skills virtually impossible.’ Dr. Ridel (2015). When I research or complete tasks so many times I feel that I know everything about it and sometimes it will cause me to realize that I do not know as much as I thought I did. I have done this most of my teen years into my early 20’s. At the time I did not think about how it affected others around me as I thought that I was always right and no one could tell me different. Now that I am a little older I have found that patience was also a part of this stubborn attitude because I really thought if I could do the task then so should everybody else. I have since started to let someone do the task without jumping in and taking over. This is where the patience comes in and when I let someone or the team complete the tasks without getting in the middle I can pick up on what or how they completed it even if it was not the way I would have done it.
Emotional Barrier
Emotional barriers are very difficult for me to overcome and most of them are easily prevented if I listened to my head instead of my heart. ‘Emotions often win the “metal tug of war” played out with reason, and as such, thwart the development of critical thinking.’ Dr. Ridel (2015). This is a extremely touchy subject for me because I still fall victim to this almost...

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