CRJ 100 Midterm Exam Solutions

CRJ 100 Midterm Exam Solutions

CRJ 100 Midterm Exam Solutions
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CRJ 100 Midterm Exam Solutions
Question 1:
According to this justice perspective, the proper role of the justice system is to prevent crime through the judicious use of criminal sanctions. It demands an efficient system that hands out tough sanctions to those who violate the law.
Question 2:
As a result of an increase in violent behavior during the 19th Century in America, early Criminal Justice agencies;
Question 3:
For every 1000 crimes, approximately ____ people are sent to prison.
Question 4:
What is known about the correctional population in the United States over the past decade?
Question 5:
Which courts review whether the judge conducted the trial in an approved manner?
Question 6:
Which federal agency has reformulated its priorities, making protection from terrorism the number one goal?
Question 7:
Roughly how many metropolitan police agencies employ more than 1,000 sworn officers?
Question 8:
What term is used to describe the use of computer software to identify geographic “hot spots” where a majority of predatory crimes are concentrated?
Question 9:
The first technological breakthrough in policing came in the following area:
Question 10:
Which law enforcement agency is responsible for fugitive investigations?
Question 11:
Court decisions that limit police discretion are an example of a(n):
Question 12:
Surveys of male officers show that ______ (of) officers tend to view policing as a masculine profession and do not think women can handle the physical requirements of the job.
Question 13:
Which of the following is false regarding education and the police?

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