Dbq 1 Essay: What Were the Contributions to Western Civilization from Ancient Greeks?

Dbq 1 Essay: What Were the Contributions to Western Civilization from Ancient Greeks?

DBQ1: Essay
What were the contributions to Western civilization from the Ancient Greeks?
The ancient Greek Civilization has contributed so much to our Western modern day society. Not that many know that their contributions are so great that they intertwine with our everyday lives. They have made important contributions that range from architecture to mathematics, from medicine to sports, the modern day Western society has been influenced by so much.
A famous Greek monument known worldwide is the one of Parthenon. This structure of this temple made a whole new advancement in architecture. The astonishing way the Greek came up with the way to make the columns and the shape so congruent to each other Also, the remarkable way the roof was built in without any support on the inside of the building.
We can compare buildings like this one in Western civilizations like the White House and Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. This structure has influenced some tof the most famous monuments here in the modern western society. There are also houses that also use this similar structure, too.
Many famous figures of Ancient Greece have also affected our modern Western society. The Greek philosopher Socrates has influenced many classes and studies of philosophy. His famous statement, “The unexamined life is not worth living”, is one of the base studies in philosophy. This quote uses its emphasism to encourage to learn and study the unknown or things that we don’t. Another Greek philosopher Aristotle explains to us how we are different than other forms of life because we use our human reasoning to make daily decisions and decide right from wrong. This gives us a god-like aspect and separates us from, an example, animals. These aspects are taught so much in college classrooms and studied by scholars and appear in many bible studies in that is studied in the Western society.
Another famous figure who contributed to the field of education was Euclid was a...

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