debate one

debate one

Speaker 1: Debate number one, paragraph number one.
We'll be asking about how easy it is to obtain something but is equally easy if not easier to lose it. Why is it that when you have something in your hand it makes you cocky and sure of yourself and not drop it, or lose it, or even break it? This is how being hired at the new job place might be given as an example. You get through selection after an interview; receive an acceptance letter, with praises and all that. You get happy. You brag and end up being cocky about what you have, and forget for a while what came in easy might slip through your fingers as melted ice. We are not going to debate psychology here or the theory of when, how, what, or why. This is just a day to day simple question being asked by an interview out there who is trying to get a job, searching endlessly and tirelessly for something to do within their comfort zone and to achieve a good result with their own knowledge, however having the availability and willing to improve by learning more and their ego not being an impediment and judgement as if they know everything and there's no need for more.
Debate number two, paragraph one.
Why did people stop learning? Why is Tendar not appealing anymore and we do have to google who he is, what he did, or may be doing. It is sad that today most kids will learn distorted truths from games, movies and believe there is no need to read, inform yourself, or learn something new or true to it's nature. Books come in different forms and shapes, but for the last few years these are accessible through technology too which can make it appealing while traveling back and forth to work every day or going holidays, and you want to lighter luggage instead of carrying the whole library with you. Kindle, iPad, electronic diaries, are just a few of today's wonders which might make it easier for one to access and read, learn, keep in touch with the past, present, or even the future. Learning will never be out of...

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