Definition of Leadership

Definition of Leadership

Definition of Leadership
Personal Insight and Evaluation
Nicole L. Gailey

This essay focuses on the examination of leadership by defining key traits and qualities of effective leaders. Such characteristics are pulled from personal insight and evaluated based on groundwork that is defined by experience and specific situations. The essay addresses certain theoretical issues surrounding the study of leadership and then shifts to also address the phenomenon on organizational behavior. By providing evidence in support to understanding effective yet emergent leadership assists in providing an initial definition of what leadership really can be defined as.
(Please note that this essay was written solely based on previous experiences and insight and no additional references were utilized in fear of tainting any initial reaction to what leadership would be defined as.)
Keywords: Leadership, Traits, Organizational Behavior, Emergent Leadership

Definition of Leadership
Personal Insight and Evaluation
During your everyday life it would be hard to imagine a reality where leadership does not exist. But yet with such certainty that leadership is ‘real’ it seems to have a complexity associated to it, making it a topic that is researched and studied by respected experts in varying fields. The topic of leadership has been broken down into various theories but have yet to be defined in a way that everyone can harmonize and share the same opinions. Is it possible to have a clear definition of the term, or is it something that truly is developed based on your own personal opinion and viewpoint? Such topics have surfaced as to who is a leader, can it be taught, and do leaders share similar characteristics and behaviors. Throughout the essay I will address this topic based on my personal observations and experience in hope to be able to clearly define what I view a true emergent leader as.
Traits and Qualities of Effective Leaders...

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