

  • Submitted By: blaine
  • Date Submitted: 05/24/2008 2:29 PM
  • Category: Religion
  • Words: 401
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 1

Demeter, goddess of Grain and Harvest, had relations with Persphone, Zeus, Hades, Rhea, Cronus, and many more. If you see pictures of her she will probably be holding a torch, a crown or stalks of grain. Her culture speard From Sicily to Rome. She was there worpshiped as Ceres. There was a myth on how Demeter became goddess of Grain. One day Rhea didn't know what to make her Daughter Demeter goddess of. So she took a day to think about it. Well she was thinking and man named Dioyess came to her and said the grain feilds were dying and they needed food. She upon her Daughter again and noticed her Golden Blode hair and it made her think of Grain Stalks. She then made her goddess of Grain.

Demeter is also Goddess of Harest too. It all started when Demeter and her Daughter Persphone were picking flowers in a peaceful field. There baskets were full so they were going to head back to Olympus. When Persphone saw a beatiful flower that she had to take. When she pick it the earth split in two and a man came out. He darted at her and grabbed poor Persphone. He was Hades god of the Underworld. He broght her down to his kingdom to be his bride. Well Persphone was gone Demeter searched for her all for Persphone but didn't find her. Zeus told Demeter that Hades had kidnapped her Daughter and will make her his bride. Demeter couldn't stand it some she made all animals and plants die. This caused what our winter is. During that time people would have to Harvest food. This was a threat to the world and gods. So they knew that Persphone would have to come back. Zeus sent Hermes down to fetch Persphone. Before she left Hades told her to eat six red seads. She ate them since she hadn't eaten for three months. When Demeter saw Persphone she made all dead grain and animals come back. Demeter asked persphone if she ate any food while she was down there Persphone told her only six red seeds. Demeter then sadly told her she would have to return...

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