

A. LSD affects the brains of those who use it, distorting and altering their perceptions and sensations, but science doesn’t fully understand the effects of acid on the mind, the nature of the hallucinations or the effects of LSD.
B. “What we do know is that LDS (d-lysergic acid diethylamide) is one of the most potent mood-altering drugs available. It causes profound distortions in the user's perception of reality that can last up to 12 hours.”
C. Although the use of LSD reached its peak in the 1960s and 1970s, the drug has been around since it was discovered in 1938, although that date is debatable. It was synthesized from ergot, a fungus that grows on grains, such as rye.
D. LSD is usually sold in tablets or capsules, but sometimes in liquid form. The liquid is sometimes applied to absorbent paper, called "window pane" or "blotter" acid, which is cut up into individual doses.
E. The Nature of Hallucinations
1 When this system is disrupted by taking LSD, it can cause profound distortions in the user's perception of reality, or in other words, hallucinations. Acid users see images, hear sounds and feel sensations that seem to be extremely vivid and almost real, but they are not real at all. Its all in the mind.
2 These hallucinations can cause intense mood swings. Consequently, an acid "trip" can go from being a pleasant experience to a very unpleasant one very quickly, making the effect of the drug extremely unpredictable.
F The Effects of LSD
1 Some of the effects can include
2 Dramatic changes in sensations and feelings.
3 Feeling several different emotions at once.
4 Swing rapidly from one emotion to another.
5 Altered sense of time.
6 Altered sense of self.
7 Crossover senses (hearing colors, seeing sound)
I Bad Trips and Flashbacks
1 These altered perceptions and sensations can cause panic in LSD users. Some experience terrifying thoughts, feelings of despair, fear of losing control, fear of insanity...

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