Determination - the Odyssey

Determination - the Odyssey

Odysseus is determined to get back home to Ithaca after fighting at troy and escaping from the Cyclops. While at Troy the Trojan horse was constructed. It was built by Epeius and filled with Greek warriors led by Odysseus. They where determined to get inside and wait until the enemy was sleeping to get out and open the gates so they could conquer Troy.
After Troy was taken over Odysseus and his men encountered a Cyclops. During the encounter with the Cyclops Odysseus and his men showed great determination to escape. To get out what they had to do is stab the Cyclops in the eye, blinding him, so he could remove the stone blocking the door so they can get out without him seeing. So “straight forward they sprinted, lifted it, and rammed it deep in his crater eye’’ (p.992). After the stone was removed they hid under sheep and where safe from the Cyclops.
To get home to Ithaca there were lots of tasks and obstacles to get passed. The Land Of The Dead was one of the things that he had determined to do in order to reach Ithaca. Odysseus had to sacrifice a ram so he would be told what to do. When they were on the sun gods island Odysseus was told not to eat the cattle and because he was determined to get home he did not, but his men where foolish and did not listen, they said “Better open your lungs to a big sea once for all than waste to skin and bones on a lonely island’’ ( p.1012). After they ate the cattle Zeus threw one bolt of lightning and turned his ship into splinters.
The Sirens where singing creatures that lured sailors to their deaths. Odysseus put wax in his men’s ears so they could not hear them sing. Odysseus had his men tie him up to the mast so he could not get loose. This made him determined to listen to the Sirens song and not leave the ship.
That is how Odysseus is determined to get back home to Ithaca after fighting at troy and escaping from the Cyclops. It relates to modern life because that is what I would probably...

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