Diet Pill

Diet Pill

Diet Pills In a country with a high obesity count, we as a society and country thinks people should be stick thin. People look at television advertisements and infomercials and see “miracle” diets/pills and think “get skinny quick”. These things do not really work. If these miracle pills did work than why does this country have such a high obesity count. Not only do these pills not work but they are dangerous. Diet pills are addicting. Diet pills are thrown into our society as okay and a quick fix to losing weight but they are not used correctly and do not work by themselves. With people only wanting to lose weight and not doing anything that goes along with it like exercising, they think taking more than the recommended amount will help them lose weight faster. By taking more than the recommended amount can make a person addicted. It is very easy to obtain diet pills which make it easy to become addicted to them. When someone starts taking diet pills they think they will take them responsibly, but this does not always happen. Starting off someone will only take the recommended dosage, and then they might start to feel that is not enough. It is very easy for a person to start using more and more and this is when the addiction starts. The addiction can be caused by the ingredients in the pill, just like anything else that is addicting. Being addicted to anything is hard to quit. Most people never think they are addicted to diet pills which are a problem due to the side effects of these pills. Diet pills are not safe; they have many harmful side effects and dangers. On an ad it might not say there are side effects and risk but if you were to look on any diet pill box, you would be able to find this information. A couple side effects can be: addicting, increased heart rate, headaches, dizziness, jittery, increased blood pressure. These pills also can contain caffeine that might cause sleepless nights. I do not know anyone that would like these side effects. The...

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