Differently Abled Persons

Differently Abled Persons

Differently Abled Persons
DISABILITY ETIQUETTE EXPLAINED. (2011, Oct 13). US Fed News Service, Including US State News. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/897837528?accountid=458
This article addresses the proper etiquette to use when interacting with differently abled people. The first step is to not make assumptions or judgments about their needs. Independence is extremely important to people, especially those with a disability. One should never assume a person needs help without asking first. Differently abled people should be treated with the same level of dignity and respect as any other person. This article also gives advice to employers about interviewing, hiring, and working with people with disabilities. The employer is expected to provide access and accommodations that meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. “Access includes not only environmental access but also making forms accessible to people with visual or cognitive disabilities, and making alarms and signals accessible to people with hearing disabilities” (US Fed News Service, 2011). Those who work with the differently abled should learn to focus on the person’s abilities instead of their disability. Last, terminology is an important factor to consider. Disabled people prefer not to be referred to as handicapped.

Toole, A. (2003, Oct 20). Disability etiquette. Northwest Florida Daily News. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/379728093?accountid=458
This article discusses the changes that have taken place since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990. Public buildings are required by law to provide access for people with disabilities, such as wheelchair ramps and elevators. Since the act was passed, social and business etiquette for interacting with the differently abled has received a significant amount of attention. Positive language and affirmative phrases is an important aspect to consider. This article also discusses...

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