Do Elementary or Secondary Schools Promote Homosexuality?

Do Elementary or Secondary Schools Promote Homosexuality?

The real reason why people turn gay may not be discovered within the next fifty years, but one reason is certainly out of the list: studying in single sex schools. All of us have gone through the phase of homosexual curiosity, wondering how it feels like to be homosexual and wondering what the reason for being homosexual is. This curiosity has gone on for so long that researchers have been looking everywhere. They have researched about our genes and chromosomes (Herbert, 3115-3117), our brain structure (Swaab, 10273-10274), and our childhood (Remafedi, 481-485).
The reason why I decided do my research about this topic is because of a rumor I heard from my friends saying that they knew someone who was gay in high school but suddenly became straight when he started college. I was intrigued by this claim so I started to do my research and compared it with the thoughts and opinions of some people in the internet. I was shocked by the ignorance and downright stupidity of the opinion of some people. Statements like “see that's why i don't like the idea of sending kids to same sex schools... Same with the U.s. Military... a haven for Gays... A place to meet other Men..I mean its a gay - haven and only perpetuates.. An atrocious problem if you ask me. (Billy)” and “Most single sex schools are catholic and are extremely biased to homosexuality. They hate it. So no, single sex schools are to keep genders undistracted from the opposite sex. (O)” were being tossed around as reasons agreeing and disagreeing, respectively, to the claim that all-boys school turn it’s students gay.
In order to prove my thesis that studying in an all-boy school, or any kind of school for that matter, does not make you gay, this researcher will give the main reasons of homosexuality that researchers have found out. This researcher will start out by explaining the brain structure theory which was found out just recently and then this researcher will proceed to the most important part of the...

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