Do women have less priorities than men in todays society

Do women have less priorities than men in todays society

Brandon Hawkins 10/11/16 Chapter 2 Using What You Know Pages 78-79
I would stay and help at the food pantry. My family would understand and be proud of my actions. My friends might not but they will live and it might even inspire them to help. I enjoy helping individuals who need help. They appreciate it. I have helped in food pantries before and seeing the families that come through with little children, it makes me stop and think how blessed I really am. The joy in the child’s face when he or she gets to pick something they like from the pantry. I used to sneak the kids a little extra. Kids should never go hungry, period. Sometimes when individuals would come to the pantry, I would sit and talk with them. Sometimes they just needed an ear to listen or a word of encouragement to help them through their day. With all the food that the U.S. wastes there is no reason anyone should go hungry.
Brandon Hawkins 10/11/16 What is Addiction and How can we treat it?
I believe addiction has two parts. Some individuals were born with addicting attributes, meaning they tend to become addicted easier and some individuals just make the choice to live down that road. Something in their life or past life has brought them to addiction. A way to cope with everyday living. I’ve been there and let me tell you, it’s almost like a dream to live with addiction. The desire to quit must be in the individuals mind for anything to change. I believe while receiving help for addiction, the addict needs support the whole process. I believe that there should be rehab communities. Where once you have completed the program, you have the choice to live in a sober community till you were ready to join mainstream society, so it would be harder to relapse. I believe Methadone it just enabling junkies to get their fix for free and it’s almost a better high for them. They need to cut that out completely.

Brandon Hawkins 10/11/16 PBS Frontline Timeline
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