Does Our Country Support Eating Disorders

Does Our Country Support Eating Disorders

Does our culture support eating disorders?

In our society today celebrities and models and influence teens that may not look as “beautiful” or “pretty” as our culture says they should. Teens today have an unrealistic figure to look up to and idolize. The models you see walking down the runway and in magazines are not what the rest of our world looks like. I think I line should be drawn to show what is real and what is fake. Mainly girls, but some boys have thrown themselves into trying to become something that is unrealistic and unreal. Our culture is almost saying its ok to have these high un real standards to compare ourselves to.
The models that we see on the runway or in magazines are a way for girls or boys to compare themselves to a sick unreal type of lifestyle and persons. Being the age of roughly twenty and less than or around 100 pounds. Our teens and some adults try and compare themselves to that unreal figure and may end up with eating disorders. Nothing is done to stop or change the way our young society and some older people think about what is ok and “normal”. It’s ridiculous how we think we should manage an unreal weight.
Eating disorders are not condemned by the culture we live in but eating disorders are also not pushed away. You see or hear about many of our so-called idols with eating disorders and no one try’s to change the way they eat or help them. It’s just ok because of the industries they work and perform in. It’s almost like were all saying it’s ok to have an eating disorder. Just as society is condemning it and letting it happen.
Today there are even websites promoting anorexia or bulimia. They are a “how to” and “how to become a better anorexic. These are terrible things to have any children see. It gives them a bad self image about themselves without them really even knowing it. These websites are not stopped by anyone. Once again like were just letting it happen and saying it’s ok to think...

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