Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover.

Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover.

Once upon a time there lived a prince and a princess.The prince was ugly,but the princess was beautiful.One day the prince went for a walk in the garden and saw a fairy,trapped in a spider web.He gently pulled the fairy away from the spider web.The fairy granted him three wishes.His first wish was for his parents to stay healthy all the time.His second wish was to stop global warming so the Earth wont be polluted anymore.His third wish was for his friend to somehow lose his cancer.Then he suddenly remembered that he was ugly.He could feel tears threatening to fall.He quickly wiped away his tears.He was going to be ugly forever.To console himself,he reminded himself that being beautiful isn't everything.It was the inside that counts.The fairy saw how sad he was and decided to give him another wish.But then he sadly refused and walk away.He knew that beauty is not important.So the fairy flew back to her home in Fairyland and told the Queen about the smart,thoughtful,intelligent,sensitive,caring,realistic princess who was ugly.She told him what he wished for,how he wasn't selfish,and how he freed her gently form the spiderweb.She told he they had to do something about it,because it was such a shame to see such a good person being disheartened,sad and in deep melancholy.So they had a plan to ask the princess to see his good qualities were.Their plan worked, and the beautiful princess fell in love with the ugly prince.But their love in entirely bonded together.It was like like 2 atoms forming into 1.And so the prince and the princess lived happily ever after and had a family of 17 people.The End.

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