Dream - Essay 2

Dream - Essay 2

I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: I would ask you guys to lay your heads down and close your eyes, but you may fall asleep. I would prefer you guys didn't do that so you will listen to me, but if you were to, you might just experience the very thing I am going to inform you of today. Dreams.
B. Listener Relevance: Dreams are something we all experience every night, whether we remember them or not. 1/3 of your life is spent sleeping, and in that time, you all will experience thousands of dreams.
C. Speaker Credibility: Like many of you I have woken up in the morning after having a wired dream and thinking what in the world was all of that.
D. Thesis statement: Everyone may know the main idea of a dream, but few may know that the explanations behind dreams are far more intricate than it just being a simple random thought in your mind.
E. Preview: First I will tell the five stages of sleep, then lucid dreaming, and finally most common emotions in dreams.
II. Body
A. Main Point #1: In order to dream you must pass through five stages of sleep.
1. Supporting Point #1: The first stage is light sleep in which you are able to wake up easily.
2. Supporting Point #2: Stage two our breathing and heart rate slow.
3. Supporting Point #3: third stage you are in a deep sleep.
4. Supporting Point #4: By stage four you are in the deepest possible sleep.
5. Supporting Point #5: After 90 minutes of falling asleep you enter stage five also know as REM sleeping.
i. REM or otherwise known as Rapid Eye Movement is where you spend 20-25 percent sleeping. By the time you’ve awaken you have experienced four to seven dreams.
B. Main Point #2: So what happens if you can control your dream, well you are having a lucid dream.
1. Supporting Point #1: The definition of lucid dream is “when you realize you are dreaming and you are able to then control what happens in your dream.
2. Supporting Point #2: According to...

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