Drinking and driving

Drinking and driving

  • Submitted By: karliyabi
  • Date Submitted: 07/22/2014 11:03 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 297
  • Page: 2

The most common death cause is automobile accidents in CR, with this alcohol is the biggest trouble maker, people decide to drive under alcohol effects but they do not know and accept how dangerous it is, and also how many possibilities of having an accident they have, even the legal repercussions that it can provoke. The effects that alcohol produces in human body is enough to decide not to drive at all, first you lose your balance and self control, you feel asleep, your vision and other senses are not working effectively, the lack of concentration is important, and finally but not less important you overestimate your abilities, in other words you are totally unable to drive. Furthermore, there are a lot of consequences that people can suffer by taking a bad decision of driving drunk, there are many laws in CR that prohibit this behavior, the legal repercussions are several, starting with a monetary quantity to pay if you reach 0,75% of alcohol by testing your blood, you have to pay 255000 colones and also it earns you time in jail depending on other traffic infractions you may be charged with. Finally, people who drive drunk can provoke accidents and death, every 60 minutes someone is killed or is involved into a drunk driving crash, as a result 25 people every day is implicated everyday not only drivers but also passengers, and other car passengers. These accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers. In conclusion, the advertisements are so clear, if you are drinking do not drive, this is serious, If you are planning to drink alcohol, plan how to get home without driving, and do not accept a lift from a driver you know has drunk alcohol. Think twice, save your life and someone else’s life.

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