Driving while intoxicated

Driving while intoxicated

Driving while intoxicated

Alcohol intoxicates the body and prevents a person from thinking smart.
More than 16,000 people are killed every year due to drunken driving
accidents. Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) is a felony offense,
often resulting in 4-5 years on first time charges. The biggest myth and
mistake you can make while driving drunk is thinking that you can learn to
drive drunk, Alcohol impairs your ability to handle surprises. Even at low
speeds, a sudden roadblock, detour, or even a deer can cause you to lose
control of the car. During a long drive drunken drives or even non
intoxicated drivers wander off to different place in their mind causing them
to drive into other vehicles passing by. The alcohol relaxes mind and body,
and the repetition of the landscape and highway features often lulls even
sober drivers into distraction. Having an open container of alcohol in your
car while you're driving is against the law. Depending on the state you live
in, and whether or not this is your first time will determine if the crime is a
felony or misdemeanor. Play it safe while getting in a car, stay sober
because over 40 % of accidents are alcohol related. And try not to drive out
at night even after 1 beer because 85% of alcohol accidents in America
happen at night rather than during the day. Even 1 beer my impair your
ability to react and think straight some accidents happen with a BAC of just
0.08 and more. If you ever spot a DRUNK driver pick up the phone and dial
911 immediately don’t wait for them to accidently kill someone or get in an
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