

Andrew Irwin 5/14/14

Research Paper

Drugs and the Impact They Have
Drugs. What comes to mind when you hear that word or what types of drugs do you think of? Two of the major drugs that I am going to tell you about are heroin and cocaine. I chose these because they are the first two that come to my head even though there are hundreds of drugs out there. I am going to talk about the different ways the drugs are taken, the statistics associated with the drugs, how law enforcement acts on these, and the treatment for addicts and prevention of drug use.
Before I start getting in detail about each drug, I’m going to give you some general facts about drugs. The number of people murdered in the drug war inside the United States between the years 2006 and 2010 exceeds the number of the United States troop death toll in Iraq since 2003. About 5700 people died in just those four years; 5700 lives that were ended due to drug related conflicts. Now, for teens who say “I just do them on occasion or I don’t sell or get involved in any of that other stuff”; here is a statistic that will scare and shock most drug using teens. Drugs in the United States have accounted for approximately 95% of the accidental deaths. In 2005, 32,691 deaths occurred due to drugs. Now I am going to start explaining the different types and what they due to your body.
This drug is one of the worst drugs there is out there. Heroin is a highly addictive drug that is a big problem in the United States. Recent studies show that less people use injections from needles, but switched to snorting and smoking it on false statements that say it is less addictive that way. Heroin is processed from morphine and is a depressant that inhabits the central nervous system.
The effects of heroin are after the users inject the drug. They feel a surge or rush. The user’s mouth can become dry, and he may begin to nod in and out while the...

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