ECE 354 Assessment and Intervention During Early Childhood

ECE 354 Assessment and Intervention During Early Childhood

ECE 354 Assessment and Intervention During Early Childhood
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As you have learned throughout this course, assessments are used for many purposes. As professionals working with children, we must look at assessment as a driving force behind planning instruction and developing goals for those children in our care. We must begin to understand the relationship between how children are assessed and how assessment data is used. This is a multi-step process of gathering data, determining goals for instruction, and then implementing those goals into our work with children. For this Final Project, you are asked to do the first two steps of this process. You will develop a partial portfolio for the child you observed and, with that information, you will develop instructional goals for that child. This assignment has three parts:

The first part of this assignment requires you to develop a mission statement. Using your completed Assessment Purpose KWL Chart from the Week Five Reflection Journal, create your mission statement outlining:
The purpose of assessment
Your plan for including assessment when working with children
How you can use assessment to document children’s work
How you will use children’s interests and ideas when assessing.
This statement should also include your position on working with children with developmental delays. This mission statement will be the introduction to this Final Project.

The second part of this assignment requires you to create a partial portfolio for the child you have been working with. Remember, you must maintain the confidentiality of the child.

For this partial portfolio:
You will need to observe the child you have been working with using the document “Developmental Checklists Birth to Five” from The Early Childhood Direction Center. Make sure to use the appropriate age range for the child....

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