ECON 545 Course / tutorialrank

ECON 545 Course / tutorialrank

ECON 545 Week 3 Quiz Imperfect Competition (DEVRY)

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Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A+
following cost data for a purely competitive seller:

0 $45 $0
1 45 170
2 45 320
3 45 450
4 45 620
5 45 800
6 45 990
Refer to the above data. If the product price is $165 at its optimal output, exactly how many units should be produced to maximize profits or minimize losses? How much will the profit or loss be? Show all calculations. (Points : 10)
Question :
(TCO C) A firm has Total Costs (TC) of $10,000 over the next three months (TOTAL for the 3 months - not per month), of which $6,000 are fixed costs (TFC) for rent on its lease that cannot be broken. If it stays in business over those months, then the firm will collect only $5,000 in revenues (TR). So, considering only this information, should they stay in business for those three months or should they close down right now? Provide your reasoning.

ECON 545 Week 2 Project Part 1 (DEVRY)

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Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: A+
Page. This does not replace in-text citations (with
quotation marks or paraphrasing) or footnotes.
Use double spacing for your response; your overall responses to any
exercise should not exceed one page in length (including the problem statement).
Font size is also optional, as long as it is reasonable; 10 pt. fonts
and 1/2 inch margins should be the minimum used.

ECON 545 Week 5 Project Part 2 (DEVRY)

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