Effects of Stress

Effects of Stress

Effects of Stress
Stress is a highly subjective phenomenon, but it’s often described as a non-specific response of a person’s body to any demand for change. However, some people link it to pathological changes that occur when the body is subjected to acute noxious physical or emotional stimuli. While stress may seem an inevitable part of life, it’s often associated basic survival instincts, which trigger the brain to release certain chemicals that help an individual to manage somewhat threatening situations. It’s one of the causes of the brain’s tear and wear. Almost everyone is familiar with the effects of stress, but the purpose of this paper is to provide a description of a stressful event my life, and its effects based on physiological changes that occur in the brain. Additionally, it will include both emotional and cognitive effects that might occur due to this stressful situation.
An analysis of the variation in the nature of effects of stressed experienced by a person of the opposite sex or someone much older or younger than me will be offered. Prolonged exposure to a stressful situation can cause extremely harmful side effects to a person’s health, and some of the most common effects will be outlined. More importantly, behavioral strategies that I would implement to overcome the effects, as well as some ethical considerations to keep in mind while advising clients on how to manage stress will be provided.
My Stressful Situation
The union of people through marriage is often thought to be a long-life event that brings endless joy, but a separation and divorce are exactly its opposite. A divorce can impact on the concerned adults, especially if it involves court battles for property ownerships or childcare. Essentially, I recently underwent such an ordeal, and I realized the amount of anxiety and stress it causes. While majority of people might assert that change is necessary in life, the...

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