efficient deep cone thickener for sale

efficient deep cone thickener for sale

Yantai Xinhai thickener machines Co., Ltd. products more efficient deep cone thickener based on their years of independent research and technological strength of deep cone thickener equipment. More efficient deep cone thickener cone with a larger settlement area and compression area, you can get a higher underflow density and greater processing power. High concentrations of more efficient deep cone thickener cone concentrator for mineral concentrates, tailings discharge in dry tailings slurry concentrate high concentrations, while fine particles can also be used for other, less concentrated pulp density and wastewater treatment.
Xinhai efficient deep cone thickener tapered appearance of the equipment, the structure of the center drive type.
The efficient deep cone thickener principle: the material to the top of the thickener tank feeding energy dissipation through the feed box to the thickener feed well and mixed with flocculation occurs after flocculation materials under the action of gravity in the cone body in settling. Process is mainly concentrated in the solid particles settling section and transition section, when in the concentrating machine of this work stage, flocculation concentrated greatly increased solids throughput, the device can obtain a larger amount of processing.
Xinhai efficient deep cone thickener at work, at the bottom of a large store concentrator high concentration slurry, and ultimately achieve the required underflow density. Pulp concentration up to 50 to 70%, in the concentrate and tailings enrichment concentrated in a very energy-efficient equipment.
More in>> http://deepconethickenerprice.com/efficient-deep-cone-thickener
Efficient thickener machine is the latest technology developed by the United States cited the success of the new high efficiency thickener products, efficient enrichment is not merely settling equipment, its biggest advantage is effectively available concentrate and tailings dewatering operations. Efficient...

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