Emperor Shihuangdi vs Emperor Hadrian

Emperor Shihuangdi vs Emperor Hadrian

“Emperor Shi Huangdi or Emperor Hadrian:
Who kept control of their Empire most effectively?”

You might think in this world, there are many outstanding rulers and empires, but who was better? , Why might it be better? , Who led their army in chaos and who turned their empire a legend?
Here in this essay, you will meet Shi Huangdi, who became China’s first Emperor, and Emperor Hadrian, who was perhaps the Roman’s greatest Emperor, they both tried to control their empires and perhaps, they both succeeded. They both used methods such as use of frontiers, effective weaponry, battle tactics, transport and even more. Here, I will explain why Emperor Hadrian’s empire surpasses Emperor Shi Huangdi.

The Roman Empire started at 27 BC and ended at September 4, 476AD. There were more than 50 emperors in the history of Rome, Emperor Hadrian was one of them, and he was the 3rd of the best 5 rulers of Rome, he was born in January 24, 76 AD and he became emperor in about August 117 AD.

Hadrian was known because he was a good administrator, soldier and leader. He was feared, respected and obeyed by not only the citizens of Rome, but by foreigners and other local people, whoever disobeyed him were very often killed by his/her own comrades or beaten up gladiators and fed by lions. Hadrian thought it was necessary for Rome to fear his god-like powers and to be respected like king.

Shi Huangdi was known to be the first emperor of China. The first Chinese empire started in 221 BC with the unification of China by the Qin dynasty. This period ended in 220 AD. Shi Huangdi was emperor at that time and was said to have complete control of it.
Shi Huangdi was a very powerful and ambitious man, he was known because he was the one who made one of China’s greatest achievements- the Great Wall of China. He was also an extremely selfish and cruel man. It was said that he outlawed and burned down many books that opposed him as well as buried some scholars alive. Shi Huangdi...

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