Energy Resource essay

Energy Resource essay

I believe one issue that we all can agree is on is that the cost of energy is going to continue to rise. Even if we slow down the amount of electricity and fuels that we use the prices will continue to go up. The other issue I am sure that we have all though about is that some types of Energies can affect our health and environment. So we have a couple of different issues here to discuss that affect our everyday living. First, it is very important to know the difference between Renewable and Nonrenewable energies. Renewable are energies that can be reused or recycled, Nonrenewable energies are ones that cannot be reused or recycled and for the most part are the reasons for our pollutions. Starting at home is the key into getting things off to the right start. Then hopefully from here we will see companies making a change in their ways as well. There are many methods we can use to reduce the cost of our utilities bills, a plus for our bank, and a healthy choice as well. Many people have attics in their homes, making sure that they are properly insulated can help reduce your electric and heating bill. Heat rises, so if there is no proper insulation you lose this heat. Using energy efficient light bulbs threw the house will also cut your utility bill down but will also help in reducing in the CO2 emissions given off from power plants.

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