

Give your opinion on access to laws or justice for the ‘weak’ groups in Malaysia.
Do you think the situation is fair and just? (Choose one group)
Since independence in 1957, Malaysia has seen a favourable economic growth, and since 1970 has achieved a rapid and sustained socio-economic development. Despite widespread prosperity, however, the benefits of affluence have not reached every individual. Though prosperity is real, economic disparities are quite visible. Segments of the country’s population have remained disadvantaged and share only minimally in the national affluence. One of the disadvantaged and ‘weak’ groups is Orang Asli (indigenous people).
The Orang Asli, or aborigines, are the original inhabitants of Malaysia. Traditionally, they have been divided into three broad categories – the Negritos, the Senoi, and the Proto-Malays or Melayu Asli. The three groups differ from each other by their language, physical features, social organisation, economic activities, and religious beliefs.
The Negritos live in small and scattered groups in Perak, Kelantan, Kedah, Pahang and Terengganu. Most of them live in foothills and other lowland rain forest areas. They live an essentially nomadic life and depend mainly on wild roots, vegetables and hunting. They also collect rattan and trade it for food or money. Occasionally, they clear small patches of jungle and plant a few crops, mainly rice and cassava. As they are always mobile in search of food, they do not make permanent houses and live in small temporary shelters made of bamboo, wooden sticks, leaves and rattan. They speak Bahasa Malaysia in addition to their own language and follow animistic religions.
The Senoi are the largest category of the Orang Asli the vast majority of whom live in the area of Perak-Kelantan watershed. The area covers steep hills and mountains. Some of them live in Pahang and on the coast of Selangor. Most of them live in small villages with an average population...

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