

eader in, it is the central premise on which everything else rests. And there is more than one hook
in each essay. You'll need;
1)Introductory hook – Set out your main point in sucha way that it intrigues the reader. you're telling what you think before you tell they why you think it.
2)Transitional hook – End the introduction with a promise that you'll explain this inititially intriguing idea. The reader must want to know what is next. The transitional hook should then come at the end of each following paragraph reminding people what your idea/point/hypothesis is.
3)Reverse hook – this is used to relate the discussion to the transitional hook of the introductory paragraph.
Your hooks are used to lead a reader through the collection of idea's that make up your essay - get them right and they should be like path that leadeader in, it is the central premise on which everything else rests. And there is more than one hook
in each essay. You'll need;
1)Introductory eader in, it is the central premise on which everything else rests. And there is more than one hook
in each essay. You'll need;
1)Introductory hook – Set out your main point in sucha way that it intrigues the reader. you're telling what you think before you tell they why you think it.
2)Transitional hook – End the introduction with a promise that you'll explain this inititially intriguing idea. The reader must want to know what is next. The transitional hook should then come at the end of each following paragraph reminding people what your idea/point/hypothesis is.
3)Reverse hook – this is used to relate the discussion to the transitional hook of the introductory paragraph.
Your hooks are used to lead a reader through the collection of idea's that make up your essay - get them right and they should be like path that leads through in, it is the central premise on which everything else rests. And there is more than one hook
in each essay. You'll need;
1)Introductory hook – Set out...

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