Ethonomusicology and Music-Culture

Ethonomusicology and Music-Culture


Unit I, Section A: Ethnomusicology and Music-Culture

Focus Questions (Titon):
1. Soundscape simply means sound in a particular place or area, both human and nonhuman.
Standing outside the McKeldin library, I can hear the chatter made by students as they walk to their classes, the sound made by the strong wind as it hits the trees, and also I hear the noise of some of the school automobiles as they make their way to their various destinations.

2. In anthropology culture may be defined as the system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.
Ethnomusicologists are not satisfied with studying the music itself because ethnomusicologists seek to understand the different music of the world and this can only be done if the music is understood in their own terms or culture. This simply means trying to study music without imposing our own ideas or thoughts of music inappropriately.

3. Music-culture simply means the way of life of people as regards music. People of different cultures may not have the same idea of music because just like culture, music is also a way of life and varies from people to people.

4. The four key elements of a musical performance are: rhythm, meter, melody and harmony.
The four circles of a music culture model are: ideas, activities, repertories and material culture of music. Both elements of musical performance and culture model contribute in making music meaningful in performance.

5. RAP MUSIC: The original idea of rap music was to voice out how one felt and experienced through rhymes. Now it has more like voicing out how much money and cars he or she has. Money and women are the main theme of most rap songs as seen in the videos which mostly comprise of flashy cars and video girls.

6. Music-cultures...

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