Europe and Anglo-American Politics

Europe and Anglo-American Politics

. In the Parliamentary form of government there is a lot more to say when comparing it to a Presidential form of government. In the parliamentary government the president or head of state is more of a representative of the unity of the country. He has no real political power when it comes to executive action. In a presidential government the president has the majority of the executive power and can exercise it when the need is necessary. In the presidential government the people directly elect the president but in the parliamentary government the majority of the legislature elects the president.
In the parliamentary government the person who hold the executive power is the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister acts, in many ways, as the President of the presidential government would. By making the decisions that need to be made for the country on a day to day sense. In the parliamentary government the Prime Minister leads a group called the Cabinet. The cabinet needs a vote of confidence from the legislature in order to enter into power.
Each of these forms of government have their pro and con’s When looking at the parliamentary government, the system leaves many areas of power ambiguous. The joint powers of the President (Head of State) and the Prime Minister create a duel executive power; this makes for many negotiations between parties. Even when we look at how the legislature is elected it is a proportionally represented body. This way of electing legislature creates a system of checks and balances between the party heads. This is can be both a good thing and bad thing. Many parties try to retain power through the disagreements; in this case a dominant party immerges and stays in power like in Japan and Britain. Other parliamentary systems can have a struggle for power. Each party takes an opposition and it tends to become more about each parties differences. Even though these things can arise, the parliamentary system is very successful when it comes to...

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