Evolution of Formal Organizations Paper

Evolution of Formal Organizations Paper

Evolution of Formal Organizations Paper

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In modern day today many things that are job related have changed a lot; from the way to we get jobs to the way that we do our jobs. . For centuries we, and our ancestors, have worked in formal organizations that practice bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is rules that are put into place to help or to maintain and control activity; it is usually used in large companies and in the government. Bureaucratic organizations have been used over time to create some of the world’s greatest wonders. However, since the times are changing our work methods are evolving as well. Today, hard work and organization is still appreciated, just in different forms. Hard labor has been replaced with more creative ways to work and more ways to use technology to help our organizations grow. Since the world is every changing with each time era organizations learn how to advance on their own and do things so that they can get done as quick and easy as possible.

In the past formal organizations would pretty much follow generations of work ethics. This caused companies to be inefficient because their work methods were not modern, all of their efforts stayed the same and it was hard for them to keep up with modern day advances. In the past organizations did not have the technical advances that we have today? At the time there was nothing such as conference calls and networking with other companies and people to get the company to grow.

Formal organizations usually have a set of standards to how they want to run their business. Rules and regulations are key to an organized environment. A bureaucratic organization usually runs their organizations in the form of a pyramid. By doing so,...

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