Evolution of Graphic Design

Evolution of Graphic Design

Evolution of Graphic Design
Wesley Kelley
August 21, 2013
Melissa Davis

Evolution of Graphic Design
The print media in its early days often appeared on posters. The early posters were the broadsides that were present before and early the 19th century. The production of broadsides was crude and quick mainly due to the purpose of the broadsides. Broadsides only appeared printed on one side. This technology involved large and heavy metal pieces, which lacked flexibility in the size of letters, it could print and on the range of surfaces it could print on to give good results. The metal pieces could only print on flat faces to give good results.
In 1827, Darius Wells invented the wood piece that was more flexible than the metal piece in the production of posters (History of posters, 2011). The wooden piece of course was lighter than the metal piece. It had the capability to print on a wider range of surfaces and was flexible enough to allow for a couple of designs of printing. Particularly, this technology allowed posters production with big letters. During these times, people read posters from a distance in public areas and the size of letters mattered (History of posters, 2011). During this era, posters had no images.
In 1876, F. E. Stanley came up with the air brush (History of posters, 2011). The air brush made it possible to develop images on posters. This brought about a revolution of the commercial aspect of graphic design. Many artists developed posters of this nature. Such included Italians like Cappiello and Marcello Dudovich, the Ukranian Jean-Marie Mouron and others like Cassandre, Jean Carlu and Joseph Binde.
Many additions of either design or technology evolved such as the photomontage that came with the German Dada during the World War I. This type of graphic design of posters encompassed use of many types of arts such as poetry, the use of negatives and prefabricated materials among others to develop posters.
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