Evolving Aircraft Technology

Evolving Aircraft Technology

Haven L.
“Evolving Technology”
Air craft technology continues to evolve, but it's not necessarily a good thing. On December 17,1903 Orville wright piloted the first airplane Twenty feet above a flat beach in North Carolina,he went one-hundred and twenty feet in twelve seconds. The third flight, piloted by Wilbur Orville, went eight-hundred and fifty-two feet in fifty nine seconds. In World War One, the planes were still in their gorilla stage, and were not combat ready, by World War Two the plane had been evolved into separate categories, there were the fighter planes, the cargo planes, and a few jet-like planes.
The planes of World War One were still in their early development, they were mainly used for recon missions. One British General was quoted saying that “the plane was useless for war”. The planes of 1918 were completely different from the beginning of the war, in just four years, the basic plane had been evolved into the Bomber plane and the Fighter plane. The Bomber plan would fly over enemy targets and drop bombs, and the Fighter plan was used in dog fights and it also had a mounted machine gun, they not only were used in the dog fights, but they also flew over enemy camps and fired away(“Aircraft and World War 1).
By World War Two, the planes had evolved into a jet-like shape, they were capable of flying two to three times faster than the planes from World War One, they had ether side mounted guns, or bottom mounted guns. They generally had on pilot, and occasionally they would have a separate pilot to fire the guns, but most planes had the trigger on the control stick(World War Two Aircraft).
Today the American Government is starting to release drones for civilian use, they are not set for marketing until 2015. There are 6 test sites were these drones will be tested, these sites are projected to create thousands of jobs for specialized mechanics and engineers. One of the pilots, Peter Singer, says that “these drones are where the...

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