EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education

EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education

1. Question :

Create an original children’s story using farm animals as the main characters.
Student Answer: Sequence
Technical Reasoning
CORRECT Confluence
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Section 4.4 Figure 4.3: Word Wall in Intentional Learning for College Success. The cue word is create.
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 2. Question :

Build a working volcano using the materials provided.
Student Answer: Sequence
CORRECT Technical Reasoning
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Section 4.4 Figure 4.3: Word Wall in Intentional Learning for College Success. The cue word is Build.
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 3. Question :

Brainstorm ideas and carefully explain innovative solutions to end world hunger.
Student Answer: Sequence, Precision, & Confluence
CORRECT Confluence, Precision, & Technical Reasoning
Precision & Technical Reasoning
Instructor Explanation: Often more than one Learning Pattern is needed to complete a task. The cue words are Brainstorm, explain, innovative and solutions. Use decoding word examples found in Section 4.4 Figure 4.3: Word Wall in Intentional Learning for College Success. In addition to decoding the “words/tasks” you must consider the concept. In this example solutions is aligned with problem solving (Technical Reasoning).
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 4. Question :

Invent a board game and then construct a prototype model. Include detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to play.
Student Answer: Sequence, Precision, & Technical Reasoning
Sequence, Confluence & Technical Reasoning
CORRECT Confluence, Technical Reasoning, Precision, & Sequence
Confluence & Technical Reasoning
Instructor Explanation: Often more than one Learning Pattern is needed...

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