

1. Describe five different types of families.

A Family is made of people usually love and care for each other. All families look and act different. Five different types of Families are Single Parent Family, Nuclear Family, Extended Family, Step Family and Polyandry Families.
A Single Parent Family consists of a parent who cares for one or more children without the assistance of another parent. A Single Parenthood may occur for a variety of reasons including:
• Divorce
• Adoption
• Artificial insemination
• Or resulting from death or abandonment by one parent.
Single parenting is a tough call; a single parent has to play a role of a mother, father and sometimes even a friend. A child belonging to a single parent family considers the parent to be their role model. Hence the single parent has to take on many responsibilities and set good examples. A single parent has to be a tough fighter to meet increasing expenses and also to groom the children to be responsible. This is currently the fastest growing family form.
According to http://extension.missouri.edu/bsf/strengths/index.htm, 88 percent of these families are headed by women.
A Nuclear Family is a family consisting of a couple and their children Nuclear Families can be any size as long as the families can support itself and there are only parents and children. This type of family structure is found in almost all societies. A quote from http://www.edu.pe.ca/southernkings/familynuclear.htm states “The Nuclear Family can be a nurturing environment to raise children as long as there is love, time spent with children, emotional support, low stress, and a stable economic environment”.

An Extended Family is two or more adults from different generations of a family, who share a household. It consists of more than parents and children; it may be a family that includes parents, children, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and adopted...

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