Fast Food on Teeneagers

Fast Food on Teeneagers

December 14, 2013
How Fast Food Effects Teenagers
Studies predict that if current trends continue in the fast food industry, one in three U.S. adults will have diabetes by 2050 (Schlosser.) Fast food has given Americans unhealthy choices to consume and needs to stop. Children and teenagers are also being affected, which is harming future generations. Fast food effects teens negatively in many ways such as physically, emotionally, and is putting their health at risk.
Lack of vitamins and minerals can be difficult when completing tasks at school and home. Lack of vitamins and minerals can also cause poor skin (breakouts, unevenness, paleness, etc,) hair (dull and lifeless,) and nails can turn brittle. Your body can also shut down (Scott.)
Up to one third of all children have weight problems in the U.S. Fast food child obesity has grown because of the amounts to choose from (Fast Food Child Obesity.) On average, teens eat fast food two to three times a week. Parents usually are not there when their child is having lunch so teens basically get to choose their meals, which are usually fatty and unhealthy ones (Fortin.) Fatty and unhealthy meals can cause weight gain (Scott.) Teens that eat fast food, consume more calories, fat, carbs, and added sugars in just one meal. Teens that eat fast food lack more fiber than teens that don’t eat fast food. Teens are attracted to fast food because of the convenience, price, and taste (Fleck.)
Teens and children are developing early signs of clogged arteries, diabetes, and blood pressure problems (Fast Food Child Obesity.) Fast food is high in fat, sodium, and sugar which can lead to obesity, health problems, like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, obesity, and digestion problems(Fast Food Nutrition: Junk Food’s Effect on your body.) Diabetes can result in disability and premature death (Fleck.) High levels of sugar in junk food puts your metabolism under stress and when you eat white sugar (which is the bad...

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