


With a population of some 100 million, the Philippines is the 12th most populous country in the world. Continued centralized governance of such a large, dispersed population from a distant national capital inhibits the people’s meaningful and effective participation in governmental decision-making and public affairs affecting their lives.

Thus, if we accept the proposition that the Federal system is what the country needs to attain economic security, political stability and equitable distribution of the nation’s wealth, then no effort and expense should be spared to put it in place.

Some politicians oppose the concept of Federalization. They say that most areas cannot support themselves. For me, this is untrue. They say that the funds come from Manila, and are sent to the provinces for their operational support. What they mean is that the funds are siphoned from the provinces, amassed in Manila, and then are reallocated on a “tinge” system back to the areas or regions for operational needs, most of which are inadequate, arrive too late, or are woefully short of the region’s needs. These politicians, most of them now in power, and others, who wish to be part in running a government vulnerable to corruption, want to hold and dispense all the money the nation generates.

The key to Federalization is of control over one’s revenues. Each region shall retain 80% of all its revenues; reverse the present process, as it will be the region that will now send the national government 20% of all its income.

Each Federal region will determine its own taxes, and these will be based on the economic level of the region. These taxes will be set by the region’s Federal assembly. The guiding principle will be the economic level of the region. Under a Federal system, across the board taxation is not tolerated. Taxes must take into consideration the economic realities of each area.

Under the present unitary system, (a remnant of our colonial past...

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