Fingerprint Analysis

Fingerprint Analysis

 March 28th 2014

Fingerprint Analysis: Mid-Term Exam

1. Wikipedia defines Forensic Science as” the scientific method of gathering and examining information about the past”. The scientific method is a method where the scientific questions are asked and answered when observations are made after doing reliable experiments. This method is applied in the fingerprint analysis by use of the fingerprints in making background research and communicating the required results. The experiment should always reflect a fair test.
ACE-V is the analysis; comparison, evaluation, and verification that the examiner needs to understand when it comes to fingerprinting. The analysis and comparison would be the experimentation used in the scientific method. The evaluation and comparison decision is the conclusion in the scientific method. The verification is validating the original decision by another examiner and confirming the process and conclusions. Finally the recording of the details of the process should be recorded. (Carver, 2004)
2. The outer layer of the skin is known as the epidermis and the inner layer is known as the dermis. The epidermis is the layer that new cells are formed. The dermal layer is the growth layer of skin and it feeds the epidermis. Papillae pegs are found in the dermal layer and they determine and individualize ridges structure. (Leo, 2008)
The friction ridge is formed during fetal development between 10to 16 weeks gestation and remains permanent throughout a person’s entire life span. If trauma to the epidermis of the finger occurs the ridge formation will return back to the way it was. The only disruption would be if the trauma reaches the Basal layer, in which it will leave a scar. (Leo, 2008)
When fingerprinting, the fingers are rolled to show the friction ridges. Since we all have different forms of ridges, it’s used as identification. No matter what age or even after death, our fingerprints never change....

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