flu or no flu

flu or no flu

To Flu or Not to Flu?

To flu or not to flu that is the question? The flu shot that is. Every year there is controversy regarding the flu shot and if you should get the vaccine or not. So many cases over the years of people dying or being severely sick due to the flu. Some say its life saving, you have to get it and others say no, it just gives you the flu. Should you get it?
While the flu shot is nationwide and available to all starting at 6 months until death do you part, the CDC recommends that people get vaccinated every year and keep doing the normal things throughout the year to keep from getting sick like washing hands and trying to avoid sick people. CDC says that the flu shot will take a total of 2 weeks to develop into the body before someone is are actually vaccinated against the flu. Now within these two weeks there is no concrete evidence on whether people will or will not become sick but there is a chance. Some may develop symptoms of the flu and some may actually still get the flu, and some are just fine. Even though only some present symptoms of the flu, isn’t having the symptoms of the flu almost just as bad as having the flu.
Now there are three or four different versions of flu or strains should I say that people will be protected against depending on where you go to receive your vaccine? We all know of the A/California/T/2009(H1N1) but there are few others that most have not heard of the A/Texas/50/2012(H3N2) B/Massachusetts/2/2012 and B/Brisbane/60/2008. How long will the flu actually protect me? Will I be okay for entire season? The longevity of the vaccine depends on the age of the person receiving the flu, person’s general health, and like anything the antigen will slowly fade/decline over time. If for some reason you do contact the flu, there is an antiviral treatment used to help give you milder symptoms and help you feel better faster. Is all of this worth it?
Now the flu industry itself is a billion dollar company. Every...

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