Food Diary

Food Diary

In this paper we are going to be talking about what has or hasn’t change in my diet since the first week of class. We will compare the two tests I took the one from the beginning and then the one from this week to get are information for the paper. Then I will explain if anything has change or if everything is the same. I will also be telling what I have become aware of when it comes to food and how to paper it and how to read the labels to find the healthy foods.

I had taken the Food Diary Checkpoint during week one and then I just took it again and they had turn out the same so this is saying that my diet has not change in the several weeks from the first time I had taken the diary checkpoint. The reason that my diet hasn’t change is because I had surgery on my tummy and I have to follow a certain diet so this diet hasn’t changed since I did the diary checkpoint. This surgery changes everything you eat and drink so you usually have the same diet for a little while for each step need there are 4 steps. I still eat the same foods and get the same amount of sugar fats and calories. So this made my answers the same so that made the checkpoint to turn out the same. This causes me to follow a strict diet and count the amount of sugar and fat that I put into my body so it will not change in till I completely heal and that won’t be in till oct 29 of this year and when that day comes I can start adding things in so then my diet will change but right now it is the same. My diet has also not change because I have gotten in the happbit of only eating foods that are on my list and not snacking like I use to. What I’m more aware of now is how to check labels on food for the nutritional facts so I really only buy thing that are healthy for you because I can’t eat things that are high in sugar and fat or sodium. The other thing I became aware of is how to break down that label to tell how much is in each severing size and how much I’m actually taking in with each bite...

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