

Do we have free will, or do the choices we make reflect into a particular outcome? The truth may never be answered. It’s such a fundamental question about our lives that people ask on a daily basis, and yet it is one of the things we’ll probably never know. I, for one, often wake up bruised and scarred from the events of the day before. Rarely do I wake up fresh willing to go and looking forward to the day ahead. But does that mean that my fate should leave me scarred and in a constant state of disrepair? In fact, the opposite may be true. More than often I wake up dreading the daily grind, so maybe it’s about time we stopped fate in its tracks. After all do you want your fate to be that of someone that always wakes up on the wrong side of bed? With this in mind there are two ways of further looking at this whole argument. Firstly is fate so mundane to you that all it involves is the daily trudge and nothing more? No enjoyment, no fulfillment, and no satisfaction with your actions? Do you live each day because you have to or may there be a deliberate demeanor to which you act? If your fate is sealed, then what more is there for you to do apart from just go with the flow? This would also mean that there is little that can be done about the future except let it happen. Not the most productive way to live your life. In my experience, this kind of thinking leads to an innate laziness and a tendency to procrastinate heavily. The second way to perceive this is that fate exists, but that you are not at its mercy. Fate is a force we cannot control, however we can always determine what we choose to be in this moment. I choose how to perceive where I am right now and what to do with what has been bestowed on me. I can choose consciously what decisions to make and do what feels right for me. When faced with something, I can choose to deal with it as a challenge and to make the most of it, or to do it half heartedly. It’s not always easy to choose the former; in fact, it is...

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