Gay Couple Adoption

Gay Couple Adoption


Gay couple adoption happens when two people of the same sex decide to adopt children during their stay together. As the number of gay people continues to drastically increase each year, the world faces a new debate that features both the gay marriage and the gay couple adoption. For quite some time the gay marriage was never allowed in many countries but as the struggle continued with the gay people, they gained ground and got away with it even though very few countries allowed them to get married like the normal people. People thought this was the end but they still wanted to have the right to adopt children whenever they felt like having their own families. It is not clear why they wanted this in the first place but according to McGarry (2003) they wanted to adopt children so that they could feel they are like rest of the people.
In the past the gay people were shy of admitting that they were homosexuals and they would do there things secretly unlike how it is today. In the 1950s the gay people that wanted to have a family of their own by adopting children never disclosed this to anyone since they felt that they will never be accepted by the society. Because there were so many gay people in the 1960s, they started to bring out complains to both the government and the society demanding the other people to respect them. They also wanted to have rights just like the rest of the people when it comes to adoption mainly because it was hard for them to be given custody of the children they wanted to adopt. The lesbians could easily adopt children since the society felt like they knew how to take care of children naturally because they are women. For the men who wanted to adopt, they were judged with the fact that they will either turn the children to homosexuals or they would end up doing despicable things to them (Cain & Cain, 2000).
During the early times, adoption involved a...

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