GED 260 Criminology Unit Exam 2

GED 260 Criminology Unit Exam 2

GED 260 Criminology Unit Exam 2
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1) The term “positivism” came from the writings of
A) Franz Gall.
B) Auguste Comte.
C) Charles Darwin.
D) Cesare Lombroso.

2) According to Arseneault and Trembley’s recent study of teenage boys inCanada, minor abnormalities in the shape of the __________ were associatedwith an increased risk of psychiatric and behavioral problems.
A) teeth
B) tongue
C) ears
D) All of the above

3) According to William Sheldon, __________ have the greatest likelihood ofbecoming criminal offenders.
A) cyclothmorphs
B) endomorphs
C) ectomorphs
D) mesomorphs

4) Research suggests that exposure to the color __________ can calm peoplewho are feeling angry or agitated.
A) purple
B) pink
C) blue
D) brown

5) Which of the following variables may moderate the relationship between temperature and criminal behavior?
A) Time of day
B) Season of the year
C) Day of the week
D) All of the above

6) According to Goddard, a tendency toward __________ was inherited.
A) criminality
B) alcoholism
C) feeblemindedness
D) degeneracy

7) Which of the following is not a characteristic of an XYY male?
A) Shorter than average height
B) Overrepresented in prisons and mental hospitals
C) Less than average intelligence
D) Suffers from acne or other skin disorders

8) The work of __________ contributed to the development of the field of behavioral genetics.
A) James Q. Wilson
B) Freda Adler
C) Sir Francis Galton
D) Edward O. Wilson

9) According to sociobiologists, the violence and aggressiveness associated withterritoriality is often reserved for
A) acquaintances.
B) relatives.
C) strangers.
D) family members.

10) Which of the following is not a criticism of sociobiology?
A) There is no rational basis for applying findings from animal studies to humans.
B) It fails to integrate biology into the paradigm.
C) It does not properly...

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