Graduation Speech

Graduation Speech

Hello everyone and good afternoon. I would like to thank everyone for joining us in this extraordinary chapter of our lives. I would like to start off by asking everyone to look around. For once, we all look the same. We all have that bright smile on our faces and the good feeling of finally achieving. But, even though we may look the same now it’s our differences that make us who we are. We are like vegetables in a bowl of salad, all unique, and we all have are very own special taste. I believe that each one of us is valuable and has something worthwhile to contribute to the world. To me the end of middle school is just the beginning of the next step. It’s like opening a door that leads to a whole different room. Today is just the first of many accomplishments I hope to achieve in my life. Many days I have sat down and pondered to myself how long it will be until it’s finally over. That day is upon me now and I can’t believe how fast it came. So today I will set out and find new ground. Today is also a turning point in our lives. We’ve struggled through three long and exciting years together to make it to this memorable day- to dress up and have that arrogant smile on our faces as our families watch us proudly. But this day is more than just a ceremony; it’s a closing chapter in our lives, and the end of middle school. But in reality it’s just a cliffhanger at the end of a book. One of my favorite quotes are “When things go wrong, stand strong and move on” has helped get through the most disastrous moment of my middle school years. This quote has taught me when things don’t go your way you have to move on because life goes on. There is a recurring question that often presents itself in different points in our lives. “What are you going to be?” or “What do you want to do someday?” normally these questions are answered with “I don’t know yet” or just a shrug. And now the next four years of high school will be a preparation for what we want to do...

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